Total Wore!

War! This month on High-Dere.

But not before wishing Ian and Joe’s Moms Vivienne and Gayle. We love birthdays.

And then our heroes go through the Wikipedia definition of War, and it’s informative to say the least.

The guys realize that when you get down to it, War is a very broad reaching phrase that is valid in many different arenas and applications. And the different types of war, including Total War could be happening around us in many different ways without us even knowing they’re occurring….

War is something that has affected people throughout history, and from a certain point of view (Ben Kenobi) that’s no different than right now in 2020. We just hope we aren’t truly in for a “Dark Winter”

All this on a fresh steamy new episode of High-Dere.

ElfTree Media
We’re ElfTree Media; a team of creative folks based out of Los Angeles, California. Our collective of podcasters, musicians and filmmakers are about to embark on our first short film project together and we need your help!

The 3Amoviegos 2020 Year End Special!

